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Immersible Magnetic Probe made of PVC, PE, PPH, PTFE or stainless steel (1.4571)



Familia de productos

Dispositivos de nivel de llenado

Clase de producto

Supervisión del nivel límite

Adecuado para


Principio de medición


Características importantes

  • Independent of- Pressure, - Temperature, - Foam- Conductivity, - Dielectrics

  • Easy to install

  • High reproducibility & switching capacity

Descripción del producto

Magnetic immersion probes for use with highly aggressive liquid media for detecting level limits in containers

Datos técnicos

Clase de protección
IP 68 Kabel
Tipo de flotador
max. 4x Zylinder Edelstahl 27 mm Ø
Cable de conexión
1000 mm PUR Blau
Longitud del tubo deslizante
max. 6000 mm
Temperatura de funcionamiento
max. 120 °C
Presión de funcionamiento
max. 10 bar (Schwimmer)
Densidad del medio
0,78 g/cm³
Número de contactos
max. 2 Schließer / 2 Öffner
Corriente de conmutación
1A, 2A
Capacidad de conmutación
50 W/VA
Distancia mínima de contacto con varios flotadores
50 mm

Más información del producto

T20X immersible magnetic probes are used for ascertaining the filling level limit values in tanks for liquid media. The materials used include PVC, PE, PPH, PTFE or stainless steel (1.4571), depending on requirements.

Through this the immersible magnetic probes are suitable for use with highly aggressive media. A ring magnet which switches the reed contacts built into the guide pipe is inserted into the float on the guide pipe. The switch contacts are hermetically sealed gas contacts which can be set up as changeover contacts or make or break contacts. With the E.L.B. limiting value magnet immersible probe it is possible to operate a number of switch contacts consecutively with one floater and, therefore, to measure a number of liquid levels. Monostable contacts are in-built as standard, i.e. the switch mode changes when the contact is operated by the magnet which is built into the floater. If the magnet goes above or below the contact, the contact will return to idle mode. If the contact is to be retained, an adjusting ring is required. If several levels are to be ascertained, several floats and adjusting rings are necessary. If required, bistable contacts are available, i.e. these contacts are operated and maintain this state until the contact is operated again. Please note! These contacts are shock-sensitive and therefore should not be used in the case of heavy turbulence.

Independent of

  • Pressure
  • Temperature
  • Foam
  • Conductivity
  • Dielectrics

Documentos y descargas


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GmbH & Co. KG

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Tel.: +49-6251-8462-0
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