Conductive electrodes EE-2XF for monitoring conductive liquids within the Ex area Zone 0 (Cat. 1) for water-polluting and flammable liquids.
Données techniques
- raccordement
- Edelstahl (1.4571)
- Classe de protection
- IP 65
- Protection Ex
- TÜV 02 ATEX 1796 X
- Type de protection Ex
- II 1 G Ex ia IIC T6 bzw. Ex ia IIB T6 / II ½ G Ex ia IIC T6 bzw. Ex ia IIB T6
- filetage de raccordement
- G1", G1¼", G1½”
- Longueur du revêtement
- voll=ganzer Stab (10 mm am Stabende sind blank) teil =ca. 250 mm von oben
- Diamètre de la tige
- 4 oder 6 mm
- Longueur de la tige
- max. 6 m
- Pression de fonctionnement côté média
- max. 40 bar
- Valeurs maximales autorisées pour les connexions électriques
- Stromkreis in Zündschutzart Eigensicherheit Ex ia IIC/IIB
- Valeurs de raccordement
- Ui 15V | Li 10 mA | Pi 100 mW
- Inductances/capacités internes
- vernachlässigbar klein
- Entretoise
- ab Länge > 1000 mm je 1000 mm 1 Abstandshalter
Température de fonctionnement
- Category 1 Class T6...T1
- 60 °C
- Category 2 Class T6
- Medien & Umgebung 80 °C
- Category 2 Class T5
- Medien & Umgebung 95°C
- Category 2 Class T4
- Medien 130°C, Umgebung 100°C
- Category 2 Class T3...T1
- Medien 150°C, Umgebung 100 °C
- Entrée de câble EE-21
- Edelstahl (1.4571)
- Entrée de câble EE-22
- Matériau du corps de l'électrode
- Edelstahl (1.4571)
- Joint (tête)
- Viton
- Joint (côté support)
- Viton / PTFE
- Potential equalisation conductor connection
- Edelstahl (1.4571)
- Matériau tiges d'électrodes
- Edelstahl (1.4571), Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C, Tantal
- Revêtement du matériau
EE-2XF configuration
EE2 - [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] - [ 5 ] - [ 6 ] - [ 7 ] - [ 8 ] - [ 9 ]
Autres informations sur les produits
By using the conductive electrodes of our EE-21...F/EE-22...F line you can monitor conductive liquids within zone 0 (category 1). They are also approved by the “DIBt” (German Institute for Structural Engineering) as liquid level limit switches for the overfill protection of containers for storing water-endangering and combustible liquids. The screw connection of the EE-21...F/EE-22...F consists of stainless steel 1.4571. The electrode rods are made of stainless steel, 1.4571, Hastelloy B, Hastelloy C or tantalum. Through this the conductive electrodes EE-21...F/EE-22...F are suitable for use with highly aggressive media. The conductive electrodes of the EE-21...F/EE-22...F line are designed to be mounted within containers, the room inside the container can be classified as Ex-zone 0 (category 1).
- Overfill cut-out device Z-65.13-405
- EC Type-Examination Certificate TÜV 02 ATEX 1796 X
- Completely useable within Ex-zone 0 (category 1)
- also with unconnected cable end
- One electrode can measure up to 4 limit heights
- Optional assembling thread G 1" (for 1 limit height)
- Measuring the limit heights of conductive gassing media (ammoniacal gas liquor, fermentable solutions)
- Interference-proof measurement
- Interface measurement conductive / non-conductive