Descripción del producto
The LU-150 is a short-range integrated ultrasonic level transmitter, intrinsically safe as Ex-version LU-180. This general purpose, 2 wire, 4 to 20 mA loop powered transmitter is ideal for liquids, slurries, and bulk materials in open or closed vessels to 5 m (16.4 ft).
Datos técnicos
- Clase de protección EN60529
- IP 68
- Fuente de alimentación
- 12...30 V DC / 0.1A Spitze
- Consumo eléctrico
- Max. 0,75 W (25 mA bei 24 V DC)
- Salida
- 4...20 mA
- Carga máxima
- 600 Ω bei 24 V DC
- Intervalo de medición
- Proportional oder umgekehrt proportional
- Materiales medibles
- Flüssigkeiten, Schlämme, Schuttgüter
- temperatura de funcionamiento
- –20...+60 °C
- Ángulo de apertura
- 12°
- presión de trabajo
- Atmosphärisch
- Visualización
- 3-stelliges LCD
- Conexión de proceso
- Gewinde G 2" (BSPP) EN 10226 PVDF
- Peso
- 1,3 Kg
- Entrada de cable
- Kabelverschraubung M 20 x 1.5
- Material de la carcasa electrónica
- Polybutylenterephthalat PBT
- Material del sensor/rosca
- PVDF-Copolymer
- Rango de medición
- 0,25...5,0 m
- frecuencia
- 54 kHz
Exactitud de medición
- Desviación de medida
- ± 0,25 % vom Messbereich (in Luft)
- Resolución
- 3 mm
- Compensación de temperatura
- im Sensor integriert
- Tratamiento del eco
- „Sonic Intelligence“ von Siemens
LU-180 EX Configurar
LU - [ 1 ]
Más información del producto
The transducer is available in PVDF copolymer, making the device suitable for use in a wide variety of applications. The LU-150/180 is easy to install and maintain, and can be quickly removed for cleaning as required by the food, beverage and pharmaceutical industries. The reliability of the level data is based on the Sonic Intelligence echo processing algorithms from Siemens. A filter discriminates between the true echo and false echoes from acoustic or electrical noises and agitator blades in motion. The ultrasonic pulse propagation time to the material and back is temperature-compensated and converted into distance for display, analog output. Key Applications: chemical storage vessels, filter beds, mud pits, liquid storage vessels, food applications Supplementary Components are designed to work with most types of instrumentation to provide enhanced functionality such as remote displays and remote monitoring solutions.
The ultrasonic level sensor transmits ultrasonic pulses in quick succession which are reflected from the medium's surface. The time interval from transmission to reception of the reflected signal is measured exactly. The impulse running time is directly proportional to the distance between the level sensor and the medium surface. A microprocessor evaluates the echo signals and measures the filling level. Changes in the ultrasonic speed caused by changing temperatures are compensated. The integrated software enables the useful echo to be filtered out and evaluated, even under unfavourable conditions. Thus it is possible to make reliable measurements in the vicinity, up to a point just 250mm before the sensor.
The electronics are accomodated in a waterproof plastic casing. The casing is resistant to corrosive materials and can tolerate high temperature fluctuations.
- Temperature-compensated
- Easy calibration
- Measuring span 0,25 to 5 meters