Descripción del producto
very reliable and simple sensors for scanning liquids, in particular when used for overflow protection. liquids can be aggressive, sticky or highly contaminated
Datos técnicos
- Clase de protección EN60529
- IP 54
- Rosca de conexión
- ab G2”
- Tuerca de unión
- ab G2¾”
- Brida de conexión del depósito
- ab DN 25
- Ø manguera
- 16 mm
- Temperatura de funcionamiento
- +60 °C
- Temperatura del medio
- max. +60 °C
- Contacto
- Wechsler
- Capacidad de conmutación
- 500 VA
- Punto de conexión (membrana de Viton)
- 150 mm WS ±30 mm
- Punto de desconexión (MembraneViton)
- 90 mm WS ±30 mm
- Tubo Pitot / Manguera
- Conexión roscada/manguito
- brida
- Cabezal de conexión
Tensión de conmutación
- plata
- max. 250 V AC
- Oro
- max. 24 V AC
Corriente de conmutación
- plata
- max. 6 A
- Oro
- max. 100 mA
NP-255 Configurar
NP25 - [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] - [ 5 ] - [ 6 ]
Más información del producto
The switches can also be used for signaling minimum levels. They can be used only in open, pressure less containers, tanks etc. The level switches are supplied in PVC or stainless steel (1.4571) and have a membrane changeover switch of Viton which responds to excess pressure (150 mm water gauge).
Operational reliability of the switches when used as min-max switches and for protection against dry-running is guaranteed only if the containers, tanks etc are emptied or partially emptied at regular intervals, so that the air in the pressure tube can be renewed.
Owing to the high switching capacity, contactors, optical and acoustic signalling systems can be directly electrically controlled without an intermediate relay.