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Mercury-free float switches with Ex approval



Familia de productos

Dispositivos de nivel de llenado

Clase de producto

Supervisión del nivel límite

Adecuado para


Principio de medición


Características importantes

  • Ex approval for Ex zone 0 (cat. 1) according to ATEX

  • Mercury-free

  • Available with weights

Descripción del producto

These float switches have a mercury-free switching system consisting of a microswitch and a ball which actuates this switch.

Datos técnicos

Datos técnicos
Clase de protección EN60529
IP 68
Material del flotador
TPK (PVC Basis), PVC Basis verstärkt, Polyurethan, Silikon, Teflon, Ethylen-Acrylat-Kautschuk
Sección del conductor
3x 0,75 mm², Polyurethan 3x 0,5 mm²
Temperatura de funcionamiento TPK(V)
AEM Kabel max.+ 60 °C
Temperatura de funcionamiento del cable PUR
max.+ 70 °C
Temperatura de funcionamiento SIL, cable FEP
max.+ 85 °C
Presión de funcionamiento
max. 1 bar Zylinder| max. 2 bar Kugel
Sistema de conmutación
Tipo de contacto
Wechsler, NO, NC
Datos de conexión eléctrica, protección Ex
siehe EG-Prüfbescheinigung TüV 09 ATEX 555342
Cargas inductivas / capacitivas
Unbedingt Kontaktschutz vorsehen
Marcado CE
siehe Konformitätserklärung
ca. 200 g
Densidad del medio Ex-QFS-30
Cable TPK(V)
ρρ 0,85 g/cm³
Cable PUR
ρρ 0,95 g/cm³
Cable SIL
ρρ 0,90 g/cm³
Cable FEP
ρρ 0,95 g/cm³
Cable AEM
ρρ 0,90 g/cm³
Densidad del medio Ex-QFS-31
ρρ 0,60 g/cm
Posición de montaje
waagerecht mit G1” Verschraubung, senkrecht mit Beschwerungsgewicht (Ex)
waagerecht mit Flansch ab DN 100 (PP)

Ex-QFS-3x Configurar

Ex-QFS-3 - [ 1 ] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] - [ 5 ] - [ 6 ]

1 Schwimmertyp

  • 0 : Zylinder Ø 29,5 mm
  • 1 : Kugel Ø 90 mm

2 Kontakt

  • W : Wechsler
  • NO : Schließer
  • nc : Öffner

3 Schaltkontakt

  • 2 : universeller μ-Schalter

4 Kabelmaterial

  • TPK : PVC Basis
  • TPKV : PVC Basis, verstärkt
  • PUR : Polyurethan
  • SIL : Silikon
  • FEP : Teflon
  • AEM : Ethylen-Acrylat- Kautschuk

5 Kabellänge

  • 01 : 1m
  • 03 : 2m
  • XX : weitere bitte angeben

6 Beschwerungsgewicht

  • 0 : ohne integriertem Beschwerungsgewicht
  • G : mit integriertem Beschwerungsgewicht (nur Ex-QFS-30)

Más información del producto

Float switches are used for simple limit value acquisition. The float floats on the liquid surface through the higher density of the liquid, and acutates a switching operation when the float deviates from the horizontal position.

In the mercury-free float switches of the QFS… series microswitches are used which are operated by a weight or with a ball, or reed contacts operated by a magnet. Mercury switches can be replaced by the appropriate Design  problem-free. Also switching hysteresis are possible.

The main field of application is for the acquisition of limit levels (overflow and dry-running protection). For min-max control of pumps float switch combinations with several float switches are suitable.

The float switches are fixed on a tube or with loading weights.Our float switches can be used both in water and in aggressive media. For this a suitable cable material has to be selected:

  • Thermoplastic rubber cable (TPK) is useable for water,  waste water and oily liquids, as well as slightly aggressive liquids.
  • For oil-containing media a PTFE nozzle should be provided.
  • Silicone (SIL) for washing liquor at high temperatures
  • Teflon (FEP) for aggressive liquids (acids/alkalies)
  • TPK cable with an ethylene-copolymer coating (AEM) for dilute acids and alkalies.

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Sensor + Control
GmbH & Co. KG

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64625 Bensheim
Tel.: +49-6251-8462-0
E-Mail: info@fluidio.de