Inline-capable oil condition sensor based on a multi-channel infrared measuring cell for permanent monitoring of the oil condition and prevention of machine damage
Based on non-dispersive infrared technology (NDIR), ZILA GmbH has developed an inline-capable measuring system that permanently monitors the oil condition directly in the system. The optical measuring system consists of a multi-channel infrared measuring cell with associated electronics and peripherals.
General information
Robustes Aluminiumgehäuse
Operating voltage
18...36V DC (max. 400 mA @18V)
150 x 119 x 82 mm (L x B x H)
Operating conditions
Operating temperature:
0...+70 °C (optional 0...+90 °C)
Maximum operating pressure:
10 bar (optional 30 bar)
Storage temperature:
-40...+90 °C
Ethernet-Port für Kommunikation über herstellerunabhängiges Busprotokoll
Digital I/O ports
1x Digital In 18...36V (10 mA max.), 4x Digital Out 18...36V (5 mA max.)
User Interface
grafisch über Weboberfläche im eingebundenen Netzwerk